
God designed us to thrive in community! The mission of New Song...


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Short reads with big impact. Follow along with New Song's pastors as we...


“Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take...


Don’t Forget: Worship & Prayer Set begins at 6:30 pm.

Begin: Click the link to print a paper copy of the Family Rule of Life. Gather your family, put away technology/devices, and grab your Bibles and some pens or pencils.

Read it:

John 15:4-5 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

Do it:

A rule of life is a plan to keep abiding in Christ at the center of all we do. It’s a way to organize all of life around being with Jesus. A rule of life is not a set of rules, but more like a guide or a trellis that helps us grow and bear fruit!

Craft a family rule of life. Identify a few spiritual disciplines* or practices that will help you pursue the Presence of God, Transformational Discipleship, Kingdom Community, and Sacrificial Mission together as a family.

*Spiritual Disciplines to Consider: Prayer, Silence, Scripture Reading, Fasting or Abstaining, Simplicity, Sabbath, Worship, Celebration, Fellowship, Serving, and Sacrifice.

Determine when and how you will incorporate each discipline.

Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Morning or Evening?

THE PRESENCE OF GOD (Being with Jesus)

What are some ways we can start spending time with God in His presence?

Examples: Reading scripture, going on a prayer walk, listening to worship.


What are some ways we can grow to look more like Jesus?

Examples: Reading stories about Jesus. Doing Table Talk each week after church. Going to church and taking notes. Doing a family devotional together. Abstaining from video games or social media one day a week to spend more time with Jesus.

KINGDOM COMMUNITY (Life Together in God’s family)

What are some ways we can spend time with people who are not in our family?

Examples: Choose one night a month to host another family for dinner or a game night. invite someone to lunch after church. Choose one person a week to send a thank you card to.

SACRIFICIAL MISSION (Serving people like Jesus did)

What ways can we serve others?

Examples: Attend Serve Saturdays at the church (There happens to be one THIS SATURDAY). Make dinner for someone who is going through a hard time. Volunteer time at church. Help a neighbor with their yard work. Clean out closets and donate items.

Pray it:

Farther, you are the source of our whole life. We can do nothing apart from your love, strength, and grace. We thank you for leading us as we start to organize our days around who you are and who we are called to be. Holy Spirit, help us practice this rule of life we have created together.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.