
God designed us to thrive in community! The mission of New Song...


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“Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take...

Next Steps

“We must grasp once again, the idea of church membership as being the membership of the body of Christ and as the biggest honor which can come a man's way in this world.”

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Taking the Next Steps

Interested in church membership or want to learn more about New Song? Check out our Next Steps online membership course. Pastors Josh and Sarah will walk you through three sessions outlining:

  • The vision, mission, and pursuits of New Song Church

  • Why church membership matters and what it means to be a member of New Song

  • The gift each believer is to the Body of Christ and how members can contribute to church life and beyond

How to complete the Next Steps Course

  1. Watch the videos - These videos will help you understand the life of our church

  2. Fill out the forms - At the end of every section is a form. Make sure to fill it out before proceeding to the next session.

  3. Become a member - At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to fill out the membership form.

Next Steps is all about defining what it means to be a part of the New Song Church family.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said the church is not a religious community of worshippers of Christ but is Christ himself who has taken form among people.

Church membership is not about getting your name on a list. It’s not about carrying around a little card- like a gym or Costco membership that gets you into the building. Church membership is a declaration. It’s declaring that you are a member of the universal church through faith in Christ and have been baptized into the church through the Spirit. It’s declaring that you have found a local church- a local body of believers to commit to so that you may fully experience the body principles of 1 Corinthians chapter 12.

Church membership at New Song is about more than padding a list, recruiting volunteers, or helping you make friends. This is about inviting you to step fully into the greatest honor- being an active member of the body of Christ.

We hope you will prayerfully consider the invitation!

Pastors Josh & Sarah

Session 1: Vision. Mission. Pursuits

Session 2: Church Membership Matters

Session 3: Community and Sacrifice

    Josh Blount
    Senior Pastor
    Sarah Blount
    Associate Pastor
  • 3 sessions

  • Start course