
God designed us to thrive in community! The mission of New Song Groups is...


Jesus has called us to make a difference by serving others. Below you’ll...

Being Transformed Online

Short reads with big impact. Follow along with New Song's pastors as we...


“Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take...


What Lies Beneath

What Lies Beneath - A Series On Emotional Health

It’s difficult to grow spiritually while remaining emotionally immature. Instead of paying attention to the deep places of our life needing transformation, believers often focus on external matters- attending church, small groups, and busy work for the Lord. Everything looks okay on the surface, but what lies beneath? How is your emotional health? Have you given God access to the innermost parts of your being? Join us this spring as we embark on a journey toward life-changing emotional health.

Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Sarah Blount
Lead Pastor
Josh Blount
Lead Pastor
Jackson Wilson
Exec. Pastor of Students
Week 1 | April 15th & 16th

Maturing in Christ

It’s difficult to grow spiritually while remaining emotionally immature. Instead of paying attention to the deep places of our life needing transformation, believers often focus on external matters- attending church, small groups, and busy work for the Lord. Everything looks okay on the surface, but what lies beneath? Join us as we begin a brand-new series.


Sarah Blount

Lead Pastor

Week 2 | April 22nd & 23rd

True or False? - Your Authentic Self in Christ

It’s difficult to grow spiritually while remaining emotionally immature. Instead of paying attention to the deep places of our life needing transformation, believers often focus on external matters- attending church, small groups, and busy work for the Lord. Everything looks okay on the surface, but what lies beneath?


Josh Blount

Lead Pastor

Week 3 | April 29th & 30th

Family of Origin | Embracing God's Perfect Plan and Our Imperfect Family

It’s difficult to grow spiritually while remaining emotionally immature. Instead of paying attention to the deep places of our life needing transformation, believers often focus on external matters- attending church, small groups, and busy work for the Lord. Everything looks okay on the surface, but what lies beneath?


Jackson Wilson

Exec. Pastor of Students

Week 4 | May 6th & 7th

Through the Wall

It’s difficult to grow spiritually while remaining emotionally immature. Instead of paying attention to the deep places of our life needing transformation, believers often focus on external matters- attending church, small groups, and busy work for the Lord. Everything looks okay on the surface, but what lies beneath?


Josh Blount

Lead Pastor

Week 5 | May 13th & 14th

Embracing Grief & Loss

Pastor Sarah is continuing our series What Lies Beneath with a powerful message about embracing grief and loss. Come Holy Spirit!


Sarah Blount

Lead Pastor

Week 6 | May 20th & 21st

Sabbath Rest, Pace For The Race

It’s difficult to grow spiritually while remaining emotionally immature. Instead of paying attention to the deep places of our life needing transformation, believers often focus on external matters- attending church, small groups, and busy work for the Lord. Everything looks okay on the surface, but what lies beneath?


Josh Blount

Lead Pastor

Week 7 | May 27th & 28th

Loving Others Well

It’s difficult to grow spiritually while remaining emotionally immature. Instead of paying attention to the deep places of our life needing transformation, believers often focus on external matters- attending church, small groups, and busy work for the Lord. Everything looks okay on the surface, but what lies beneath?


Josh Blount

Lead Pastor

Week 8 | June 3rd & 4th

Rule of Life for Abiding in Christ

Pastor Sarah is sharing a super practical message about how to craft a Rule of Life to help organize and orient our lives around Abiding in Christ.

Rule of Life Worksheet


Sarah Blount

Lead Pastor