
God designed us to thrive in community! The mission of New Song Groups is...


Jesus has called us to make a difference by serving others. Below you’ll...

Being Transformed Online

Short reads with big impact. Follow along with New Song's pastors as we...


“Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take...


What Did Jesus Do?

Living as a disciple means imitating Jesus. We know the red letters in scripture are important, but we must go beyond hearing what Jesus SAID to do. We also need to pay attention to what he DID so that we can do the same. So what did Jesus do? When tempted, when he encountered difficult people, when he faced storms? Come and see as we kick off a new series focused on the actions of Jesus as we purpose to be transformed into his image.

Josh Blount
Lead Pastor
Sarah Blount
Associate Pastor
Ken Blount
Legacy Pastor

Overcoming Temptation

Pastor Josh Blount kicks off our new series What Did Jesus Do.


Josh Blount

Lead Pastor

Encountering Difficult People

Pastor Josh Blount continues our series What Did Jesus Do.


Josh Blount

Lead Pastor

Encountering Doubters

This weekend, Pastor Sarah is continuing our What Did Jesus Do series with a message about how Jesus responded to those dealing with doubt.


Sarah Blount

Associate Pastor

Encountering Injustices

This weekend, Pastor Josh is continuing our What Did Jesus Do series with a message about how Jesus responded when he encountered injustices.


Josh Blount

Lead Pastor

Encountering Sinners

This weekend, Pastor Ken is continuing our What Did Jesus Do series with a message about how Jesus responded when he encountered sinners.


Ken Blount

Legacy Pastor