
God designed us to thrive in community! The mission of New Song...


Whether you are new to New Song or have been here a while, we know there...

Being Transformed Online!

Short reads with big impact. Follow along with New Song's pastors as we...


“Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take...


Dying Words

Join us at New Song Church this weekend and start off the new year with us as Pastor Josh Blount kicks off our new message series Dying Words.


Forgive Them

This weekend, Pastor Sarah is kicking off a brand new series on the Dying Words of Jesus. We will be talking about the radical forgiveness of Jesus and how we are to receive it and offer it to others.

Sarah Blount

Remember Me

This week pastor Josh Romano continues week 2 of our new series Dying Words.

Josh Romano

Behold Your Son

Join us as we stream our service! This weekend, Pastor Sarah is continuing our Dying Words series. We’ll be taking a closer look at what Jesus spoke to those who were willing to share in his suffering and getting a fresh revelation about God’s heart for family.

Sarah Blount

My God, My God

Pastor Josh Blount returns for week 4 of our series Dying Words.

Josh Blount

I Thirst

This weekend Students Pastor Jackson Wilson brings us week five of our message series Dying Words.

Jackson Wilson

It is Finished

Join us this weekend for Week 6 of our series "Dying Words"

Josh Blount

Good Friday

We can’t fully experience the significance of the Resurrection without understanding what Jesus endured on the cross. In this special Good Friday online service we engage in a time of scripture, worship, and communion. This is an opportunity to witness and reflect on the death of Jesus while preparing our hearts to receive the gift of Easter.

Josh Blount

Into Your Hands

Description"Grace is when you get what you don't deserve. You give God your mess and He gives you His best."
Pastor Josh continues our series DYING WORDS in a powerful word about Jesus's statement "it is finished." Pastor Josh and Sarah also share exciting updates on the future of New Song and what is in store for the upcoming Easter Season.

Josh Blount