
God designed us to thrive in community! The mission of New Song Groups is...


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Week 2 | September 22nd

Kingdom Community

What does, "Help People Know God" mean? What does it look like to "Practice the Way of Jesus"? What is New Song Church believe, and where are we headed as a church? In this series "Vision" our pastors will walk you through who we are, what we're pursuing, and where we're headed at New Song. Grab your notebook, get a pen, and lets dive in to the vision, mission, and pursuits of New Song!

Courtney Haggard
Exec. Pastor Connections and Community & Pastor of Operations
High Praise
Maverick City Music
No One Else
Onething Live
What a Miracle
Elevation Worship
The Name of the Lord

Vision: Help People Know God

Mission: Practicing The Way of Jesus

Pursuit 1: The Presence of God
Pursuit 2: Transformational Discipleship
Pursuit 3: Kingdom Community
Pursuit 4: Sacrificial Mission

Psalm 68:4-6: “Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds rejoice before him—his name is the Lord. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God who sets the lonely in families, He who leads out the prisoners with singing, but lets the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.”

Penrose Stairs

No pursuit stands alone, and the house requires unending pursuit!

Practicing the Way is not about preference or perfection; it is about dying to ourselves and submitting everything we have.

Salvation is free, but discipleship will cost your life. - Bonhoeffer

When people come into my home, I have a captive audience for the Lord.

We are outpacing ourselves in church inactivity and lack of community.

What we do, say, and prioritize matters!

This is why we make Kingdom Community a Pursuit, not Groups

You have to choose to be engaged in it

Putting yourself in a position to find Kingdom Community.

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, including relationships. Often he will come to you with fraudulent versions of friendships:

In order one at a time (and on app):

  1. Having a preconceived idea of what friendships should look like.
  2. Not being the kind of friend you are looking for.
    Proverbs 18:24 “A man who has friends must himself be friendly.”
  3. Eventually having enough friends and not needing any more.
  4. Becoming a LOANER friend.
    Instead of loving people - we love ourselves - on loan.

Truly loving in friendships is a beautiful release that allows you to give freely and to receive freely.

When Jesus becomes the source of our relationships, we become free to truly be in relationships.

The comforts and conveniences of our daily lives eliminate the desperation in which we are called to cling to Jesus and the Gospel.

Even Jesus didn’t Practice The Way of Jesus alone

2 Corinthians 3:18: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

What happens after the emotional high of the miracle wears off?

Powerful Kingdom Community is Essential to the Apprentice of Jesus.

A community that embodies the heart of the Father is the life of the church. It is a Jesus-prescribed sacrificial, counter-culture kind of love that presents to the world the Gospel in such a way that no external force can extinguish the flame.

God never calls us to do anything He does not first equip us for.

Ephesians 2:14: “He (meaning Jesus) is our peace.” Not people.

By choosing Jesus, in an instant, every other difference was superseded by this ONE choice.

This is one of the greatest examples of unnatural unity, which is possible when time is spent with Jesus under His teaching and practice of the Way. When Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light - when He is the Source, unity that does not make sense is not only possible, it is the standard.

Community is not about personal fulfillment—it is for the benefit of others and honoring the Lord and His commandments.

“Every human wish or dream that is injected into the Christian Community is a hindrance to the genuine community and must be banished if the community is to survive. He who loves his dream of a community more than the Christian community itself becomes the destroyer of community - even if the intentions are honest, earnest, and sacrificial.” - Bonhoeffer

Healing is found in Kingdom Community - but Jesus is the Healer.

Kingdom Community should always point you back to Christ. That is the purpose of Kingdom Community.

If you seek anything else out of community, you ask people to heal what only Jesus can heal, and you ask your friends to do what they cannot and then blame them when they fail you.

Kingdom Community is the act of pursuing His presence in unity with one another, creating space for confession, faith, prayer, the study of the Word, worship, sanctification, serving, discipleship, sharing the Gospel, love, grief, joy, loss, abundance, and fun! It’s a life lived for Jesus, in Jesus, with Jesus, together.

  1. Elevate Your Relationship with Jesus Over People
  2. Elevate Jesus Over Self
  3. Be Real and Expect Others to Be Real
    Table Talk
  • Sermon Series || Vision Series - Kingdom Community || Psalm 68:4-6 Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds rejoice before him—his name is the Lord. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God who sets the lonely in families, He who leads out the prisoners with singing, but lets the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.”

    1. Is there one of the pursuits you tend to identify with more? If so, how does that impact how you pursue the others: Presence of God/ Transformational Discipleship/Kingdom Community/Sacrificial Mission.

    2. How have you sought out, contributed, or provided Kingdom Community in this house? Was it new information to you to consider that Kingdom Community is more than just finding or forming a Group?

    3. Have you ever dealt with any of the pitfalls of friendship that were mentioned in the message this weekend": Having “Sacred Spaces ”/ A preconceived idea of what friendship should look like/ Not being the friend you’re expecting/ Closing yourself off to new friends/ Being a LOANER/ Seeking personal fulfillment from human relationships/ Being the main character/ Not letting Jesus be the source of your relationships.

    4. What is your next step in Kingdom Community at New Song Church?

    Remember: Practicing the Way is not about preference or perfection; it is about dying to ourselves and submitting everything we have.

    “Salvation is free, but discipleship will cost your life.” - Bonhoeffer

  • Let’s Get Dusty || Discipleship 101 Parts 1 & 2
    Power Verse: Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. Genesis 2:7

    Discussion Questions:
    What is a rabbi? A teacher
    Who is our teacher? Jesus
    What does it mean to be a disciple? To learn from our Teacher
    What does it mean to get dusty? To follow closely behind
    Where can you see in your own life how you've grown in discipleship?

  • Let’s Get Dusty || Discipleship 101 Parts 1 & 2
    Power Verse: Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. Genesis 2:7

    Discussion Questions:
    What is a rabbi? A teacher
    Who is our teacher? Jesus
    What does it mean to be a disciple? To learn from our Teacher
    What does it mean to get dusty? To follow closely behind
    Where can you see in your own life how you've grown in discipleship?

  • Faith || week 3 || The Bent Over Lady (Luke 13)
    Power Verse: "Without faith it is impossible to please God." Hebrews 11:6a
    Learn the Power Verse motions here!

    Discussion Questions:
    What was wrong with the lady? She was bent over
    For how long? 18 years
    Who did she know could help her? Jesus
    What did Jesus do? He healed her!
    Then what did the lady do? She stood up straight
    Where do you see the lady’s faith? Standing up!
    What is something you have faith for?
    What can you DO with your faith?

  • Faith || David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17) || same lesson all month!
    Power Verse: "Without faith it is impossible to please God." Hebrews 11:6a
    Learn the Power Verse motions here!

    Discussion Questions:
    Who were God’s people? The Israelites
    Who were God’s enemy? The Philistines
    What was the name of the giant? Goliath
    Why did David think he could win the battle? Because God was with him
    What gave David faith? God’s Word
    How many stones did David gather? 5
    Where did the stone from the slingshot hit Goliath? In the head
    Who won? David!
    What can you do when you need faith? Say your power verse