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Week 4 | October 14th & 15th

The Community

As the world grows darker, there is a mandate on the church to Arise and Shine. We must wake up to the fact that we are in a battle for the altar. This series will focus on the importance of contending for the altars of our hearts, homes, church, and community as we pray for revival and awakening in our time.

Tonderai Bassoppo-Moyo
Exec. Pastor of Discipleship and Cares
Join with Heaven
Radiant City Music
Fall Like Rain
All is for Your Glory
Jesus Image

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In order to understand and fully appreciate the call and responsibility of the church, we need to see that the church is an extension of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Matthew 16:18 (NKJV)
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

The word for church is the Greek word ekklesia - called out; denoting a picture of a people called out of this world unto God.

Ephesians 3:10-11 (NIV)
“His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We have a unique position as the heavenly representation within the communities in which we have been placed; and our responsibility is to demonstrate the values, principles, and morals of the kingdom we represent.

From altars, establishing altars.

II Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

The state of our communities is in direct relation to the health of the Church.


How do we establish altars in our communities?

Nehemiah 1:1-11 (NKJV)
“The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. It came to pass in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the citadel, that Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped, who had survived the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. And they said to me, “The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire.” So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven. And I said: “I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. Both my father’s house and I have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against You, and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses. Remember, I pray, the word that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations; but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name.’ Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand. O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.” For I was the king’s cupbearer.”

  1. Fix the broken altars or walls of the church
  2. Run to the altar for what concerns our community
  3. Recognize that staying away from sinners does not absolve us from a response to sin
  4. Get to the table of incense
  5. Use your gifts and position to advance Kingdom mandate
  6. Be a part of the answer not just in word but in deed
  7. Understand your conduct before leaders helps unlock doors
  8. Do not be afraid to ask
  9. Carry a secret agenda
  10. Build your area (you cannot build it all)
  11. Be aware of the trumpet sound - be ready to defend all areas

Opposition, ridicule, and shaming means you are on the right track

Excuses will never build anything except excuses.