Become a Mentor

So many women long for a personal mentor. They desire to find someone they can relate to and speak into the particular challenges, seasons, and roles of their lives.

New Song HIS Mentoring Ministry Overview

So many women long for a personal mentor. They desire to find someone they can relate to and speak into the particular challenges, seasons, and roles of their lives. Many search, but few find what they seek. Most of us settle for a haphazard mix of advice or comfort. The latest how-to manual or online resources. We can be mentored from afar, and there are many mentoring tools available, but these things cannot replace the benefit of walking with someone who has a personal interest in our success. A listening ear and wise counsel are invaluable.

Here’s how it works:

Shannon is about to be a first-time mom, and she is seeking a mentor to help her prepare for this new season of life. She fills out a mentee application to let us know she’s seeking wise counsel in the area of motherhood. We look to our pool of trained mentors to see who we think might be a great mentor for Shannon. We reach out to that mentor, tell them about Shannon’s application, ask them to pray about taking her on as a mentee, and if they feel like it’s a yes, they will begin to meet with Shannon once a week for 10-12 weeks.

The mentees let us know the specific area they would like to be mentored in (divorce, infertility, loss of a parent, sick parent or children, health, finding purpose, growing in God, etc.) and the mentors let us know the specific areas they feel they can best speak into. For instance, if you have never walked through infertility, we will not match you with someone who wants infertility mentoring.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand there are seasons where you can’t commit to mentoring, and you always have the freedom to let us know you cannot accept any mentors. You may mentor several girls a year or as few as one girl a year. You set your availability. If you agree to take on a mentee, you will meet with her weekly, up to an hour, for 10-12 weeks. This same commitment expectation will be in place for all mentees.

No. Prepare your heart and come ready to listen and to share as the Spirit leads. Each mentor/mentee relationship will have a unique fingerprint. No two scenarios will be the same. You may walk through a book study with one mentee, and with another, you may ask her to bring questions for you each week and help guide her in those areas.

You have a covering. You can always let your Mentor Ministry Coordinator know you're uncomfortable or that you feel the mentee needs professional help. We will be checking on you often. You're not in this alone!

Complete Next Steps if you haven't already
Complete Leadership Honor Code
Fill Out The Mentor Application